50 things to do before I'm 40 (or asap)

1. Run a half marathon
2. Go skydiving - Completed on 8/10/17
3. Stargaze in Montana
4. Run up a down escalator - Completed on 10/17/13
5. Climb a water tower
6. Summit Mt. Rainier
7. Learn to play guitar - Began learning 2014
8. Buy a house
9. Marry the man I prayed for
10. Have a child (adopted and/or birthed)
11. Write a book
12. Learn to ballroom dance (or something else)
13. Visit the Grand Canyon
14. Live in a foreign country for at least 6 months (Oh, Canada. Moved 9/16.)
15. Fly in a hot air balloon
16. Go skinny-dipping
17. Buy a boat
18. Catch a HUGE fish - Huge enough. 14"-16" Pike in Dean Lake. 
19. Ride in a limo - Michelle's bachelorette party, 2016
20. Go for a LONG walk (to neighboring state/U.P./other)
21. Write 25+ hand-written letters - 3 written so far
22. Go golfing (or hit balls on a range)
23. Bring someone to Jesus
24. Read the entire Bible
25. Go whale-watching
26. Chase a tornado (like Pastor Ken)
27. Write a letter to my future self - Completed on 10/23/13
28. Run in a color and/or mud run
29. Do a chapel at Holland Christian
30. Get a custom license plate
31. Learn a new language
32. Be fluent in Spanish
33. Take one picture every day for one year - Letting Snapchat count for this one
34. Write a song 
35. Dye my hair - Completed on 11/28/13
36. Create and follow a budget, Dave Ramsey style
37. Attend a high school reunion
38. Take a self-defense class
39. Hunt and kill an animal
40. Climb to the top of a rock-climbing wall
41. Make a photo journal of places I've been
42. Send a message in a bottle
43. See the northern lights

44. Missions in Africa
45. Pick up someone on the side of the road - S/O to my hitchhiking friend, Vanessa
46. Bring baked goods to a neighbor
47. Put change in someone's expired meter
48. Donate blood
49. Regularly volunteer locally
50. Leave a 100% tip for a server

After-thought Additions:
51. Fly Stand-by
52. Go shooting at a range - Completed Fall 2014 with Lawson family
53. For one year, only buy clothes from a thrift store (besides undergarments and swimsuits)

Completed with Pictures: 


Is there anything I missed? What's on your bucket list?? 

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